We are proud to announce that new tractor units have joined our fleet – Scania R450 with the newest cabin!
These are real suites on wheels.


The new vehicles equipped with an R-cab provide optimal working space for the driver. The cab is 207 cm high and is equipped with comfortable, ventilated and heated leather seats, multifunction steering wheel, two fridges and two beds (the lower one is 100 cm wide).
In such a place, drivers of all types will certainly feel the joy of driving.


Scania R450 is equipped with modern LED lights. The windscreen provides a much better view than previous versions. Additional convenience is provided by numerous and well thought-out storage compartments and an efficient air-conditioning system integrated with the heating system.


Such vehicles provide an extremely smooth driving experience thanks to the 450 hp, automatic transmission with active cruise control integrated with the navigation system, a retarder and comfortable seats, all to the accompaniment of music from a modern audio system.

Control and good handling, soundproof cabin, comfortable driver’s seat and driver assistance systems make even long travels stress-free.

