We are pleased to announce that we have joined the family of ⚽ Stal Rzeszów Sport Club (Poland) 👊🏻 ⚽ where we…
We are pleased to announce that EURO24 has been awarded by the ‘Puls Biznes’ editorial team and is in the…
"WE MAKE OUR CUSTOMERS FEEL SPECIAL" - this is not only the EURO24 advertising slogan. This is our motto and…
We are pleased to officially announce the opening of the second Polish branch of EURO24 in Katowice. The new branch…
As one of the largest and most reputable transport companies in Rzeszów, we constantly invest in modern solutions which aim…
EURO24 in the April edition of EUROLOGISTICS magazine. (Polish). "Closed borders, production facilities, staff limitations ... The TSL industry has…
Although each branch of transportation experiences regular development, road transport remains the most popular. There are numerous factors contributing to…
A festive mood at the EURO24 headquarters has been in full swing since early December. During this magical time, we…
In October 2019, we had the pleasure to participate in MRO Europe – the most important event for the European…
Droits d’auteur 2020 | Tous droits réservés EURO24 | Politique de confidentialité